Sunday, September 30, 2007

Kids soccer

The kid's soccer games are so cute!

The girls are first and the one of my daughter was taken at home while she got ready for her first game. She missed some practice and early games, so she's really just starting.

I love my daughter's pink shoes, the pink headband on the red-head and the smile as the other little girl takes a corner kick.

The boys were also in action and had a pretty physical game. They've won a few of their games so far, but yesterday they lost 0-1.

Saturday, September 29, 2007

Pool party

I recently took some fun family photos. They had a terrific setting and I really liked capturing the kids doing some synchronized jumping at the end of the shoot.

Thursday, September 27, 2007


Took photos of a beautiful baby girl today.

Her sister did some test shots for me as well.

They both have incredibly beautiful blue eyes!

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Camera Club

I participated in the first competition of the season at the Chester County Camera Club ( I pretty much always make my 4 selections for entry in various categories at the last minute. My husband and the kids always give input and are (usually) very helpful. My daughter didn't like the one photo I entered which won first place in the category of mononchrome because she said her brother was being mean to her around the time the photo was taken.

The second photo, which won second place in the travel assignment monochrome category was taken on our way home from Norway when we had a 5 hour delay at the airport.

I am pleased when I do well, as photo judging is very subjective and each judge has had different styles.

I didn't plan it this way, but my two winning photos had each of my children, but you can't see either of their faces.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Another birthday party

This was a really fun party for the kids, a rock wall and soft climbing jungle gym. I wish the grown-ups could join in!

The birthday boy was very cute - and his younger brother helped with the candles!

Monday, September 24, 2007

Ballet photos are finished!

The restaurant photos are finally finished - I hope you enjoy them.

The link is on my main page

Contact me with any questions at

I'm working on various other things - so stay tuned!

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Some ballet pics are ready

I have been working on uploading the photos from the Restaurant Festival to my events site (link is on my home page and have the first batch ready. They are the senior dances from the first act. I will soon post the junior ballet and rosebuds and the senior dances from the second act.

Contact me with any questions (

Here is the dance lesson from the festival, the little children were very cute and my daughter's dance teacher, soon to be handing over the class to another talented dancer. The girls will miss her - she's been terrific!

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Christmas Cards

It's not too early to get your Christmas card photos done!

I'm offering 5x7 photo cards and some samples are available on my website,

This is my parents-in-law's card, the photo was taken while we were in Norway in August.

The other photos are from our vacation in Norway; me by a glacier, my husband and kids in his hometown, and the kids with their cousin at the family summer cabin and the castle from the Norwegian amusement park. It is the fairy tale castle, but the Norwegian fairy tales are about trolls that are mean and no princesses!

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

More Dance

As promised, here are a few more from the Restaurant Festival.

Some of these girls did 18 dances or more - incredible!

The pictures should be vailable to view at my site by Thursday.

Monday, September 17, 2007

Restaurant Festival

Great performance by all the beautiful dancers yesterday!

I took so many photos that all my storage cards were filled before the finale started, sorry not to get any of those.

Here is just a sample - I'll probably post few more on the blog later and the proofs will be ready in a few days.

Sunday, September 16, 2007

More Soccer

I recently photographed the second girls soccer game and once again they won!

The girls are very serious on the field, but as the last 2 photos indicate - once off they look like they are having fun!

Tomorrow I'll preview some of the Restaurant Festival Ballet photos - I looked through them and I have a lot to pick from.

Friday, September 14, 2007


I really like seeing little sisters together!

I have one sister and when my mother had my brother, I was really wishing for another. I thought 3 girls would be perfect; we needed a third to hold the jump rope!

The girls were very patient - especially since we had dance photos, group shots, individual photos and the first communion ones - and all taken after school!

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Entry for Sep 13, 2007

Brave Girl and Nice Neighbors!

We recently had a neighborhood party which started with a bike parade. My son (7) and daughter (5) were in it and I was taking photos of the kids as they arrived. I had just started when some of the older ones were shouting that someone had crashed and was hurt. It took several seconds to realize that it was my little girl and when I got to where she was, my husband was already there with 2 local firemen who were kicking off the parade.

Thank God, she only had a dislocated elbow and was able to go home after about 4 hours in the emergency room. Everyone was so helpful from the neighbors, to the firemen, emts, and hospital staff.

She now has her cast off and although is still pretty bruised, is doing better.

The photos are of the few bikers, yelling about someone being hurt and trying to locate her mother, my son and daughter with her cast and them making each other smile!

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Entry for Sep 10, 2007

A birthday party!

We recently attended a birthday party for a six-year old. The kids went kayaking on the river and the dog went every time!

Here is a portrait of the birthday girl, the dog and a pretty flower!