Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Happy Halloween

Here are our yearly Halloween photos. My son is very into sports and went from being a baseball player at the school party to a football player tonight. The 'Pink Power Ranger' stayed out trick or treating a little longer than last year and of course brought home way way too much candy.

Sunday, October 28, 2007

More portraits

We had a fun session today, the air was a little chilly, but the boys were troopers!

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

another portrait preview

Another photo shoot with adorable kids, this time with some boys too!

They did a terrific job and this is just a small sample of the results.

Proofs will be ready soon!

Monday, October 22, 2007

portrait preview

Had a fun session recently with 6 adorable girls with chic outfits.

I'm posting a few, but my clients will have many more to choose from - all the group shots were successful! Proofs will be ready soon.

There's still limited time to book holiday photo sessions!

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Some things I'm working on

Besides our mini vacation and lots of school activities, I have been working on some customer orders and portrait proofs. Tonight I'll share some customer photos.

This week I'm going to share one more post of photos from Hilton Head, some soccer photos from the weekend and some portrait previews.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Hilton Head

We recently had a short vacation in Hilton Head to celebrate my Dad's (and Brother's) birthday.

Holly took us on her boat Dolphin Seafari to check out dolphins and get to our dinner at the Crazy Crab.

We all had a great time!

The pictures are: Holly and her husband on their boat, my niece geared up with the famous brown hat and an orange life vest, a dolphin, a photo of all of us taken by Holly (great job!) and the sunset view on our return.

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Blue eyes and tennis

Another niece (different parents from the previous post) who also has beautiful blue eyes and was quite amusing on the tennis court. She ran around, hit the ball over the net, took a break while the others kept hitting the ball and all while wearing her halloween pjs!

The life of a 3 year old!

Friday, October 12, 2007

Blue eyes and new clothes

My niece has beautiful blue eyes and a great smile to boot!

My daughter wanted a hat like her cousins, so we found it along with this vest. She agreed to model it and while I like the sepia version, she liked the color better.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Family photos

Taking some more photos for Christmas cards. The weather was incredible for October and the family looked terrific! Even the dog posed for a few.

Saturday, October 6, 2007

Singing and Dancing

The kids went to a birthday party and I brought my camera.

The girls (mostly) sang and danced and seemed to enjoy themselves! The boys seemed amused! The first two photos are the birthday girl.

On another note, I will be relaunching my website soon with a new design and updated photo galleries. Stay tuned!

Friday, October 5, 2007


I love taking photos at the local playgrounds - lots of smiles from the kids!

I just added my photo to this blog and I want to give a thanks to my hairdresser Kim (Salon Q) who cut and styled my hair today. Those who know me, realize that my hair normally doesn't look this nice! My daughter asked how long my hair would look this way as she likes it much better 'smooth' then the normal curly.

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

My Latest Model

My son has done a lot of modeling for me, however, he is usually pouting and annoyed!

He was cooperative, except when his sister tried to get in the picture and he did not want her there.

Monday, October 1, 2007


If you're the only woman with a photo in a business presentation - how cool is it to wear pink and look so good!

I'm posting a color and black and white version because I think they are both really nice.