Sunday, March 30, 2008


I recently entered the camera club competition and had some success with my black and white photos. One that won first place was of my little niece. I've posted this photo before, but here it is as it won and also a series taken while she played tennis!

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Spring Break - portrait preview

I will be posting more from these sessions, but here is my new nephew and my gorgeous niece.

Monday, March 24, 2008

Spring Break #2

Here is the second post from our spring break. The first photo is my new nephew with my sister-in-law (looking terrific!), my niece on her scooter, my two kids in front of the carousel they finally got to go on, and my little nephew with his beautiful blue eyes!

Tomorrow I am posting a preview from my niece's Easter dress photo shoot (where she looked like a little model!) and my nephew's session.

Spring Break

We just returned from our spring break trip south. I hope everyone had a terrific Easter!

The first photos are of my two little nieces. Then there is my little girl with her new earrings (she got her ears pierced on vacation) and my son on the monkey bars (he made it all the way across!).

In the next post is my other little niece and new nephew.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

First Communion preview

I recently photographed a girl who is about to have her first communion and her older sister. They look very beautiful all dressed up and even did a fun model pose together!

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Hats (and green eggs)

This past Monday was crazy hat day at the kids school in honor of Dr. Seuss. I attended a 'Green Eggs and Ham' breakfast in my son's class which was very well done. My son didn't eat the green eggs, but most of the kids did!

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Jumping Rope

I had the pleasure of taking some photos for the yearbook at my kids' school. The event was a fund raiser for the American Heart Society and the kids got to jump rope. The all seemed to have so much fun.