Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Fun at the beach

Four adorable children, who liked being at the beach. They didn't like sitting still for too long, but long enough to get some options for their holiday card!

The ones I enjoy taking the most are the ones of them in action.

Friday, August 22, 2008

Not just the girls

A few from the other day - with the parents!

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Family fun

Another incredibly photogenic family! The kids mom told me that they like to get their picture taken and she was right! They showed some of their personality and were very nice!

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Four sisters

They are all beautiful and we had a nice time together recently. The baby didn't like the grass too much, but indoors she was happy as a clam!

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Having fun

At the end of the family session we got a few of the parents and then the kids had some fun on the swings. They liked taking these photos the best and I did too!

Tuesday, August 12, 2008


The family was cool, the air was a little cool and certainly this photo session was. They were terrific - perfect smiles and the first two photos were taken right off the bat!

They're also lucky to have such beautiful scenery right outside their home!

We also got in some fun pics - I'll post them tomorrow.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

The girls turn

Although I was taken with my new nephew and got lots of photos of him, I did also get some of my beautiful nieces.

The first photo is my youngest niece and I did get some smiles of her too, but loved the mood of this photo. It was 'enhanced' naturally by the campfire smoke, so I added some texture digitally to further the mood.

After the craziness of the spring and especially June, this past month was a little slower and I enjoyed some vacation time and catching up.

Things are already picking up and I am getting ready for the holiday rush! I have done the first several holiday cards and am looking forward to some fun portrait sessions over the next few weeks.

Also, there are just a few things to get done for the start of school!

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

With mommy

I was so happy that my sister-in-law wanted to do these photos with her baby boy. I think it is so easy to neglect photos of mom and baby. My little nephew is very active, but also loves time with his mom! He was very content in the baby bjorn, which is why the black and white of him in it is one of my favorites. I also had to include the one of him by himself because he looked so cute with the flowers behind him.

Friday, August 1, 2008

Cover Girl

She is on the front of my new postcards and she was a lot of fun to photograph. She is a natural!

I really enjoy this type of session where I can hang out with my subject - talk and observe them in action. I also love to get a variety of expressions and backgrounds and had lots from this session to choose from. All of these were in her yard and I think the whole shoot lasted less than an hour.

By the way, I have my postcards out at Moonbounce Adventures in West Chester, along with an 11x14 collage display.