Thursday, October 30, 2008

Phillies and girls hockey

So at least one Phillies fan in my family is very excited about the Phillies winning the world series!

The latest varsity girls' hockey photos are finished and the jv will be done soon.

I have lots of projects in the works - its a busy, but fun time!

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Beautiful family, great location

They picked the place and it was terrific. I enjoy the challenge of a new place and trying to capture the best in my clients and again I think my job was made easy by them! The older brother was friendly from the beginning and his little sister warmed up pretty quickly.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Another girls hockey team

Took photos of the varsity and jv games on one of the coldest days so far. The weather didn't seem to dampen the fighting spirit and competitiveness of the girls!

The previous teams' photos are done and posted, this teams will be done within a week.

Tomorrow I will be posting a family session preview from a very cool setting selected by them!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Day at the park sneak peak

I met a terrific family at a new location for me and it was a lot of fun. Time flew by as we checked out the beautiful scenery and even saw a snake (I kept my distance from that!).

We got lots of shots - here is just a sample of my favorites!

Monday, October 20, 2008

Girls playing hockey

I get tired just looking at these photos. To me, this is one of the hardest sports. The girls were great - very talented group!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

From Norway

Here are some of husband's sister and her family. We had a great time with them on vacation and the kids were so nice to ours. I wish we could see them more often, but since they live in Norway, it is difficult. I am amazed at how quickly the children all connect and it seems like time hasn't passed with them.


Finally - the restaurant festival photos are finished. Now the excitement will start to build for the Nutcracker!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

At the beach and a late Happy Birthday!

Yesterday was my brother's birthday and I am wishing him a great one - sorry to be late!

Here he is with his gorgeous family. We had a lot of fun and I really enjoyed getting some quality time with my little niece.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Beautiful sisters

They are beautiful, sweet and talented too! They will both be dancing in a performance soon - I'm looking forward to it!

Saturday, October 11, 2008

More vacation

A few random photos from vacation. The photo of the girls was supposed to be them holding hands and looking at me, but it quickly evolved into a game of ring around the rosy. (and yes one of them went down into the muddy, wet sand!)

Tomorrow or Monday I will post a preview from today's session with 2 beautiful sisters. Also, I have some family sessions I will preview and a sporting event later in the week.

I will be adding restaurant photos today and hope to have them finished in the next day or two. I am still catching up from vacation - I need one to recover from the one I took!