Sunday, January 31, 2010


Her school lets the students submit photos for the yearbook. I like that since I had the pleasure of photographing this beautiful girl.

She braved the cold weather and is a natural in front of the camera! And check out her red coat - very nice!

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Great combination

I love photographing babies and I'm sure I've said that before. This little guy is one month old and has beautiful big eyes, a photogenic family and he's a Penn State fan! He also wanted to stay awake during our session and barely fussed.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010


She has a very natural and beautiful smile! It was a pleasure to watch her dance last month, she is very talented.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Last Nutcracker post for now

Here is the last of the Nutcracker previews. I will post additional information when the photo galleries are ready.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

More from the Nutcracker

I have started to sort through the many photos I took over the weekend and will be working hard on these over the next few weeks. I still have some to post tomorrow and then I will start getting the galleries done. The galleries will be posted at

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Better late than never

Finally the studio my daughter dances at had their Nutcracker weekend. Three 2+hour performances in 2 days. I took more than 2000 photos and now am exhausted.

The girls were beautiful as always and full of talent and elegance!

My daughter is in the red dress with the candy cane and she was instructed to look at me when possible!

I will post a preview photo for all my clients over the next few days.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Cool product

This is a cute little wallet book that I offered in 2009 as a promotional item included in large orders.

I will have a new promotional item for 2010, just need to decide what it will be!

Nutcracker peformance is soon, I will post some images of the beautiful dancers.

Also, I was sad to be right about the Eagles. My son got a Brett Favre jersey for Christmas, one of his favorite gifts, so maybe we'll have to say go Vikings this weekend! Doesn't hurt that he is half Norwegian. He even has a Viking helmet he can wear!

Saturday, January 9, 2010

I'm still here and Go Eagles!

I better post this soon, because right now the Eagles aren't looking that great! Although they just got a touchdown!

Things have been a little crazy here, I have enjoyed some vacation time and have been working a lot on football photos. The football team I photographed in the fall are having their year-end celebration soon and there were posters and slideshows for me to make.

I am also working on some ballet books and images, photo orders, party images and promotional wallet books for clients that have qualified for them. I am still working through the wallet books, so if you should receive one, I will be in touch soon.

I hope everyone has a healthy and happy 2010!