Saturday, August 14, 2010

Last sesson at the beach

This was my last beach session for this summer and I'm a little sad. We had to compete for space with a huge family of over 50 people, but managed to find some nice spots. The first time I photographed the girls, the younger one was shy and not wanting to smile for me at all. Last year she was better and this time she was a star! Her big sister was great as always and the two together were the best.

Friday, August 13, 2010

A fun time

It's always interesting to photograph these beautiful girls. Their moms always have great outfits and cool ideas. I get a kick out of trying to get them to look natural and give me a good smile. Sometimes, they even help me out!

Tomorrow I will have another preview from my last Jersey beach session and then I will post an update on my move.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Lucky baby girl

I think this little baby girl is quite fortunate to have two very sweet older sisters to look up to! Also, it's pretty cool to have a beach vacation before you even reach 2 months old!