Saturday, November 27, 2010

Rogers - Family Fun

It was a bit wet after some heavy rain here, but it just added to the fun! The twin boy and girl were so cute and their big sister was quite patient! I thought their outfits were great and luckily, I think everyone managed to stay dry.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

West Chester weekend - final post

Here is a preview from my last session of the weekend. I had met the girls at the beach over the summer and their baby sister has changed quite a bit!

I'm now going back to my proofing marathon!

Friday, November 19, 2010

West Chester weekend - Post 3

I am almost finished showing off the incredibly photogenic clients from last weekend!

Thursday, November 18, 2010

West Chester weekend - Post 2

Here is the second batch of previews from my fabulous weekend! One more to go after this one - so stay tuned!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

West Chester weekend - Post 1

So I spent last weekend in our old town of West Chester and I caught up with some great friends. I also had a whirlwind of photo sessions. It was an incredible time and each session had fun and special moments. I am now busy getting proofs ready. Here are some previews from the early sessions, I will post previews from the remaining ones tomorrow.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

So nice

When we moved to NW Arkansas, we were very lucky to have 'family' here (cousin of my sister-in-law) and they have been really terrific to us! We picked a house in the same community and it is a very nice place to live. These photos were taken in an area of the development that I hadn't seen, but it was perfect. Even better was how cute and cooperative the kids were!