Thursday, October 27, 2011

The baby's turn

I recently photographed this beautiful baby by herself, before the session with her siblings. It was fun to capture her with different outfits and expressions!

Monday, October 24, 2011

Little girls

These little girls were so cute, but they kept me moving! The older one was very talkative and sweet from the beginning and her sister stole the show (and her mother's necklace) by the end of the photo session!

Friday, October 21, 2011

Brother and Sister

I wish my son and daughter got along as well as these two siblings did during our recent session! There was a little teasing, but they were great and quite patient through wardrobe changes and multiple spots. The balcony shot was really funny as they couldn't see me as I was waving instructions from inside the house!

This is just a small sample of photos from our fun session!

Wednesday, October 5, 2011


This family wore my new favorite color very well! Their stylish look was perfect for some downtown photos.

Monday, October 3, 2011

A family, a senior and a junior!

We did a little of everything in this session and it was fun to explore some new sites with this willing family. We did some photos of the graduating senior son, his sister who will graduate next year and even the family dogs made a brief appearance!