Thursday, January 24, 2008

Nutcracker Books

Finally, I have the 2007 Nutcracker book completed and will have a hard copy sample soon. Due to the need to change labs, this year I will be offering 2 size books, a smaller 10x8 and a larger 12.5x10 version. I will also offer the option for one or two custom pages. The book pages can be viewed at

Feel free to email or call me with any questions.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Happy Birthday and Nutcracker book update

My baby turned 6 today and dressed up for the occasion. She didn't have much patience for her portrait session, but I got a few!
Happy Birthday to our friends who also have this birthday (or close to it), our little friend who turned 1, our friend who turned 5 and the girls in dance!

Nutcracker book update: I found out recently that the lab that I used for last years' book is discontinuing the 9x12 books. So - if you want the 2006 book, please let me know asap. I am currently investigating options for the 2007 book and hope to have a selection made and the book done soon. If you are interested in the 2007 book, stay tuned!

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Girls basketball

The girls were good - very impressive quality of the game considering they are so young!

I will be starting a gallery for the photos from this session soon at

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Portrait sessions and cheerleading

Some photos of my daughter in her latest activity - cheerleading. My timing isn't always on, as you can tell from the 4th photo! The last one is her in action cheering on the basketball game.

For anyone interested in booking a portrait session, consider having it before April 30, 2008 as I will be increasing my rates starting in May. I am also looking into offering some new products and will post here with more info soon.

Thanks to all who have been clients and have referred me to friends and family!

Monday, January 7, 2008

My kids in action

Here is my daughter in the Nutcracker and my son in practice for his basketball team.

Saturday, January 5, 2008

Almost 2 year-old cutie

This little girl is a real charmer and she can talk up a storm! She seems like a natural performer and really loved the tea set. And how can you resist a special coat!

Friday, January 4, 2008

In the Air

I am just amazed at the talent and strength of these girls and really love to capture them at the peak of their jumps and leaps.


I will post here when the 2007 book is done and provide info at the studio as well.

Please email or call me with any questions. I am currently filling print orders for the Nutcracker and the photos can be viewed at

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

A few from Christmas

We have my in-laws visiting from Norway, my daughter pestering my son as he is playing his new Nintendo, my daughter with her High School Musical karaoke, my son as a shepard in the Christmas Eve enactment at church and my sister with one of her daughters. By the way, my daughter insisted on wearing her red boots with her brown and aqua dress and although I protested, I lost the will to fight over it!

I am almost done with the Nutcracker photos and hope to have them finished in the next few days. I took so many that it is a big job to get through them all. I will do a book from the performance and will post details later this month.

Also - my new website is finally done - view it at!!! Please let me know what you think - comments are always appreciated. I will be adding to the galleries and adding an information page soon.