Saturday, January 12, 2008

Portrait sessions and cheerleading

Some photos of my daughter in her latest activity - cheerleading. My timing isn't always on, as you can tell from the 4th photo! The last one is her in action cheering on the basketball game.

For anyone interested in booking a portrait session, consider having it before April 30, 2008 as I will be increasing my rates starting in May. I am also looking into offering some new products and will post here with more info soon.

Thanks to all who have been clients and have referred me to friends and family!


Anonymous said...

I can't get over how sharp the faces are in your photos! Outstanding!!! Sharpenss is something I need to improve in my photos. How do you do it, especially in the action shots?

You asked what time I took the photo of the leaves in "Curling our separate ways." I believe it was between 3 and 4 p.m. with the sun coming in low through the trees.

Lorie said...

Thanks Anita for the nice comments!

When shooting action, I usually use the continuous focus and a high shutter speed. I still end up with some that aren't sharp enough. I also sharpen a little in PS.