Monday, February 25, 2008

new cards

Note: I've added the front of the card as well.

This is the backside of some new cards I am working on to primarily promote to new and expecting mothers.

This was a photo I took 2 years ago when my daughter was putting her dolls down for a nap!

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Catching up - wishing it was warmer!

I finally got around to finishing some photos from this summer at the NJ shore. The kids had a blast and going through these made me long for some warmer weather. How many days until summer?

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Catching up

I am doing some catch up after the Christmas rush, my daughter's birthday and the usual winter colds!

One project I had on my to do list was a photo book for my mother's birthday last year. I finally got it done and was enjoying looking at the baby photos of my two little ones. I decided to make a collage for each of them with photos up to age 2. I do like making collages! My daughter's is here, my son's will be posted soon. I am going to get this printed on canvas, which is one of the new products I will be offering soon.

Sunday, February 3, 2008

The whole family!

From a recent photo session - an extended family! The first shot are the kids only, and then the whole gang! The little ones were great sports and brought their terrific smiles!