Monday, February 25, 2008

new cards

Note: I've added the front of the card as well.

This is the backside of some new cards I am working on to primarily promote to new and expecting mothers.

This was a photo I took 2 years ago when my daughter was putting her dolls down for a nap!


Anonymous said...

A very sweet photo!
Are your photoblog and web site listed on the Chester County Camera Club web site? If not, I urge you to get them up there so others can see your fabulous portraits!

Lorie said...

Thanks Anita!

I saw some links from the CCCC site, including yours and tried to figure out how to add mine. I couldn't figure it out, but should follow-up. Thanks for the reminder!


Anonymous said...

Laurie: Send your web site address to Bob Lott. If you don't have his email, send me your email so I can send it to you. This comment section won't let me include his email address.