Wednesday, July 1, 2009

From 9 months to 9 years old

My son recently turned 9. It makes me feel a bit nostalgic for the days when he needed me so much more! I took the 9 month old photo in San Francisco and I can remember that time period so well. We had such a nice playgroup and seemed to go all over the place together. That particular day, we had met some friends for lunch and took a long walk around the city. We stopped at the Norwegian Seaman's Church and took some photos and enjoyed the views. This photo was taken at the Palace of Fine Arts, one of my favorite spots in SF.

Now my son is seeming more independent each day! In August he will be going into 4th grade and I suppose the time before he wants to drive the car will come too fast as well!


I haven't posted dance photos for a while, but that is not because they are finished. I still have some to complete and plan to have them all posted by the end of next week. I have had some technical challenges and also some family visits and things that have kept me pretty busy.

I am also starting some beach sessions soon, details to be posted in the next week or so.


Anita said...

Nice to see him then and now.

I've been remembering my son at a young age, too. He is now 20.

As you know, each age brings its own joys and challenges.

I feared my son would grow away from me, and, in a way, he has a bit, spending more time with his father. But, he still gives me a huge hug and kiss when we meet or say goodbye, and we talk by phone or instant message every week. He still comes to us to talk over difficult decisions. I'd say we have been fortunate in maintainig a fairly close relationship. It is a joy to see him launching himself into the adult world.


Lorie said...

Thanks Anita for your encouraging words!

Anonymous said...

Hi Lorie

Hubert is now 9 as well ! I have a very nice picture of Louise Martin, yourself and me in London with 1 month old Hubert and the two of you with big belly !
Time goes so fast.
Very nice blog and pictures ! Lovely family! Say Hello to Axel.
When are you coming over to france ?
Anne Besançon